the snapshot
Clark and David have been meeting and studying the Bible together almost every week for 7 months. It's amazing how God has been teaching and growing him!We have reached 75% of our monthly funding goal. Our goal is to hit 100% by August 31st.We want to hear an update from you and ways we can be praying for you!
Prayer Requests:
Please pray for David's continued Bible study times with Clark to be fruitful and encouraging for them both. Pray that the Lord adds more men to their group.Please pray for the Lord to provide more financial support partners. We still need to raise about $1,900 more/month.
support update
We are thankful that God is bringing more people to partner with us. We are currently receiving 75% of our financial goal each month. Our next goal is to reach 100% of our monthly giving by August 31st, 2019. This means we need an additional $1,900/month.
Like we have said before, we would love to have as many possible be a part of what we are doing, whether they can give 1 penny or $100.
If you have not yet joined our team of ministry partners, would you please pray and ask God if this is something He has for you?
If you would like to learn more about partnering with us, you can ask us or click the button below!
the story: discipleship
As you know, the work of evangelizing the culture requires that we train an army of people. But to get an army, we don’t really need a lot of people. We just need one. One who is faithful, available, and teachable.
And when we do actually find one, our job is to simply fan their flame of zeal in the right direction: God’s. They become quite a spectacle to behold, especially when the Lord grabs ahold of them.
Just like how it takes a little bit of kindling to start a good fire, God does the same with people who are willing to lay down their lives as a living sacrifice. How exciting! This has certainly been the case with our friend Clark.
I (David) have had the great opportunity to mentor a man who has recently joined our church here at Trinity OC. Clark and Grace came into our lives about 8 months ago, when we were praying and asking the Lord to bring us someone we could get to know and invest in. Clark and Grace have been a good part of this journey.
Clark was quite inquisitive when we first met him. Brilliant and humble in his questioning of things and with a hunger that I hadn't had a chance to witness in a long time.
When Clark and I first started our Bible study, he was nervous, asking questions like, “How can you do this, David? I’m not not special, I’m just normal. How is that you and Reagan are able to throw everything away and live 100% for the Lord?”
My answer to him would often be, “I can’t. If it were not for God coming into my life and saving me and pushing me, I would not be able to do this. I wouldn’t choose this life for myself. I wouldn’t struggle to desire to be on mission for Him. It is all His doing.”
We have been studying the book of Proverbs, one chapter at a time, for the past 7 months, and our discussions range anywhere from 4 to 5 hours a session. Over these months together, I’ve discovered that the Lord is very much close to Clark, instructing him, whispering to him, convicting him. He’s been teaching Clark in secret. Every week that we’ve studied, shared, and come back again, Clark would have a new revelation.
This is something I witnessed during my time as a missionary in Bangkok as well. With very little initiative or teaching on my part, God chose and still chooses to call His people to Himself continually in His time. What a relief it is to be reminded that their salvation is not contingent upon our faithfulness, but His alone.
My work has been simply to point Clark to the Scriptures, revealing and confirming that what the Holy Spirit has been teaching him is indeed in the Bible and that Clark was indeed hearing from God Himself. It has been a great pleasure to see even my own flame of faith be reignited through this process and the confirmation of God’s Word appear in plain sight.
“Build a man a fire, and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire, and he'll be warm for the rest of his life.” ― Terry Pratchett, Jingo
How About You?
We try to take some time each day to pray for our ministry partners, and we like knowing we are praying for specific, current things in their lives. Grandpa & Grandma, we would love to hear an update on your life and how we can pray for you. Talk to us!